Monday, 16 May 2016

Bringing Rural Women into the Digital Fold

There are clear signs of a significant demographic shift in the internet users in the last few years in India. According to a recent report by Boston Consulting Group, a large proportion of the new internet users consist of female, rural, older, vernacular speakers and the mobile phone users. This demographic shift means that there are clear signals for apps development companies to reposition themselves by realigning their business and marketing strategy, and rural women, are now a critical link in their whole business plan.
Healthcare apps
Public healthcare is not very efficient in rural India and women are often the direct sufferers, as they are the primary caregiver for the family. Issues which could be easily treated are often left untreated leading to more serious health issues subsequently. Health apps that offer useful information on pregnancy and child care as well as common prevailing diseases like tuberculoses, malnutrition, and diarrhoea could be of great interest to rural women. Needless to say the features of organizing apps within AppWallet and the auto update feature of the apps contained inside are big plus points for such health apps.
Literacy apps
There is a rising level of aspirations among the new internet user groups, including rural women. The illiteracy rate is quite high among rural women and girls; they have either not attended the school or dropped mid way. But today, this group wants to be not just literate; it wants to go beyond the basic level of literacy to acquire knowledge which has been so far beyond their reach. The vernacular app development tool facilitated by Anant Computing Platform can prove to be the clear winner for getting rural womenfolk into the digital mainstream in a big way.
Entertainment apps
The changing landscape of rural economy has also meant that the rural women are no longer engaged in the routine mundane daily chores all through the day and are looking for doing other things as well such as listening to music, playing games, or doing such entertainment stuff. Apps developed through Anant Computing Platform, once downloaded do not require internet connections for running, and it is something that could prove to be quite an interesting proposition for this group of customer who may be a little concerned about the data download charges.

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